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Fodder Corn, Emerald QLD
Fodder corn for cattle feed is producing up to 60 tonnes per hectare of material and is earning over $5400 per hectare as minerally dense highly productive cattle feed.
TM Ag is applied to the paddock several weeks before the corn is planted, as well as 30t/ha of manure. Once the corn has emerged and is around the 6 leaf stage 2kg/ha of Best Foliar Fertiliser is applied. At the 8 to 10 leaf stage, 3kg/ha of Best Foliar Fertiliser is applied with the in-crop application of 250ml/ha of each TM Agricultural and Fulvic Plus, the reason for the foliar fertiliser being applied a second time at this growth stage of the corn is to assist the crop nutritionally early on to set its high yield target.
Army worm is not a major issue for the corn, just one application of insecticide is applied to the corn crop if needed. The farm manager noted that this year there was higher than usual army worm pressure in the district however none of the Best Program treated corn had much or any army worm pressure which is a result of the Best Program products increasing the Brix of the corn plants meaning they emit a different colour light that warns insects that they will be unable to digest the high starches/sugars (Brix) of the corn crops due to being nutritionally supported by their indigenous soil microbiology.

Once the corn crop is chopped for silage fodder a third application of TM Ag is applied to the paddock which the farm manager observes greatly assists in the efficient and rapid breakdown of the corn stalk stubble which is quickly cycled back into the soil by the native beneficial decomposer fungi and bacteria that have been activated and supported by the Best products. This process saves the corn stubble from having to be slashed or worked into the soil and benefits the next crops grown in the paddock by speeding up and contributing to the nutrient cycling process.
The overall input cost of the Best Program, including the third TM Application after cutting, is a total of $95.50/ha, and the cost of the manure is $300/ha therefore, the gross return is still around $5000/ha and most importantly high rates synthetic fertiliser are not used resulting in minerally dense, highly digestible cattle feed.