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Best Foliar Fertiliser Proving to Combat Severe Yellowing in Mung Beans Amidst Wet Conditions
Gavin Ritter – Mt Tyson – February 2024
Gavin Ritter contacted us in January. Mung beans had been planted. Conditions had precluded a pre-plant application of TM. Rainfall and planting timelines were as follows.
Beans were planted on 3-1-24, with no starter fertiliser & inoculant only, following some beautiful rain in December, totalling 97.6 mm for the month with 28mm on 1&2 -12-23 & remainder after 22-12-23.
By 22-1-24 yellowing of leaves became very evident, the first photo was taken on 22-1-24. It was thought that this may have been a chemical residue effect, but this was quickly discounted as various neighbours were experiencing the same problem.
Conditions were wet, with 100mm of rain falling over a few days. It was recommended to Gavin that he apply TM & Fulvic Plus to help dissipate the excess moisture in the root zone. TM Ag & Fulvic Plus was applied on 23-1-24 at 400ml/ha in a band.
With rain being forecast, Stoller foliar plus was applied on 26 Jan. More Rain: 27mm on Jan 28, 23mm on 29th, and 22.5mm on 30th, making things wet again. Plants were struggling to move beyond yellow.

Pictures show the reasonably severe lack of chlorophyl in the leaves. This appeared to improve slightly following the TM & Stollar application, but young plants were still far from happy.
Gavin followed the advice, and Best Foliar Fertiliser & Best Fulvic Plus was applied @ 1.9kg & 250ml in a 50% band on 5-2-24.
The turnaround was astonishing. Within 24 hours, the improvement was clearly evident. Unfortunately, Gavin did not think to take a picture at that time; however, his dad’s eagle eye confirmed the change. Yellowing had dissipated, and the seedlings showed a consistent light green colour. Gavin was satisfied that the crop had turned the corner and by comparison, the beans were looking pretty good. Best Foliar Fertiliser tends to be underestimated in its benefits.
Photos of recovering crop were taken on 10-2-24, just five days after the application of Best Foliar & Fulvic Plus. A second photo was taken on February 21st. I could not quite fit the satisfied smiles in.

Brice Kaddatz
Macadamia & Hortcultural Services
0438 861198