WHAT IS TM Lagoon Treat?

Lagoon Treat activates beneficial microbes that consume and lock up nutrients, digest sludge, and sediment and helps clear up cloudiness in dams, ponds, and waterways.

TM Lagoon Treat is an all-natural organically registered Biostimulant and water conditioner for dams, lakes, ponds, and waterways. It is designed to activate beneficial microorganisms in the water.

TM Lagoon Treat is a liquid formulation that is sprayed directly over the surface of the water body. It will not harm fish or aquatic life, and there is no withholding period, so stock can safely drink from the dam immediately after application.

Available in the following drum sizes – 1L, 5L, 10L, 20L, (1L Treats 2 Megalitres)

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TM Lagoon Treat is a registered farm input with Australian Certified Organics. ACO is the larger of the two certification streams and is Australia’s premier auditing, certifying, and licensing company of organic and biodynamic operators.

Click image to view certificate ⇑


TM Lagoon Treat works similarly to TM Agricultural but in water, activating beneficial microorganisms which tie up and reduce waste and excess nutrients in the water. This limits the nutrients available for algae growth and helps to clear and clarify water.

Sludge, sediment, low oxygen, algal blooms, and cloudiness are common problems in our waterways. Phosphorous and manure runoff from our properties only add to these problems.

The beneficial microbes produce enzymes that consume unwanted nutrients, organic waste, and sludge that cause the above issues effectively starving them of their food source.


Many problems can make our dams and waterways undesirable. Sludge, excess organic matter, aquatic weeds algal blooms can all affect water quality. They can become cloudy, smelly, and discoloured. Beneficial bacteria are the key to maintaining a healthy aquatic system along with oxygen so they can survive and out-compete for the undesirables. TM Lagoon Treat stimulates these beneficial bacteria. In turn, these beneficial bacteria can help improve your overall water quality and assist nature in fighting off algae blooms and other undesirables in your dams and waterways.


The first thing you need to do is multiply the length by the width by the depth in metres. That gives the number of (m3) x 0.4 (Where 0.4 accounts for the batter slope on the sides of the dam).

Example: 20 metres (W) x 50 metres (L) x 5 metres (D) x 0.4 = 2000m3

To calculate the capacity of your dam in megalitres (ML), divide the volume in m3 by 1000.

Example: 2000m3 / 1000 = 2ML



Application: Add 50mls of Lagoon Treat per 100,000 Litres of water.

  • Use at any time in dams or waterways.
  • Introduce as close to the middle of the dam or waterway as possible.
  • It can be sprayed over a dam with a firefighter hose.
  • Use every three months or as needed as breakouts occur.

Application: Add 1L of Lagoon Treat per 100,000 Litres of water.

  • Use at any time in dams or waterways.
  • Introduce as close to the middle of the dam or waterway as possible.

Follow up applications every time the sewage system is emptied or as breakout occurs.

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