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TM Agricultural (“Terra Mend”) is an organically certified biostimulant that primarily consists of a variety of plant extracts, arcadian seaweed, and molasses.
TM Agricultural is a liquid formulation biostimulant, that is applied to the soil, plant, and or seed, stimulating the existing micro-organisms. We (Best) utilize cold burst technology to extract exudates from a variety of different plants at different times of their growth and flowering cycles and from different environments and elevations. After we have isolated these exudates, we grow them for 42 days to super concentrate them. These supercharged plant exudates are what sequence the bacterial colonization that is dormant in your soil.
Available in the following drum sizes – 1L, 5L, 10L, 20L, 110L (1L Treats 4ha).
TM Agricultural is in a class of its own using technology developed by Best Canada to activate the native soil microbiology in all soil types and is designed specifically for broadacre cropping, pastures, and horticulture. TM is a liquid product and is tank mixable with most chemicals so it can easily fit into farmer’s current programs. The plant extracts in TM mimic the signaling process between plants and soil microbes. Because of the numerous plant extracts in the TM, when it is applied to the soil the microbes are signaled that there is a large, varied crop above and that they need to support it which causes the soil microbes to come out of their dormant state and they begin to repopulate, aerate and repair the soil and well as begin the nutrient cycling process of providing plants in the soil with the elements that they require in exchange for carbon that is taken from the air by photosynthesising plants and transferred to the microbes via their root systems.
BENEFITS in a farming system
Cropping / Pastures / Horticulture
- Better root systems.
- Better nodulation.
- Lower screenings.
- Higher brix in plants leading to less disease and insect pressure.
- Higher proteins.
- Higher nutrient density.
- Increased foliage breakdown.
- Increased microbial diversity and activity.
- Loosens/aerates the soil.
- Improved water holding capacity.
- Improved soil structure.
- Increased soil carbon.
- Increased organic matter.
a) Cereals, Pulses, and Oilseeds
Application: 250ml/ha with a minimum of 30L/ha of water or greater
1st Application – apply to soil 0 to 6 weeks prior to planting with adequate soil moisture.
2nd Application – apply in crop 6 – 8 weeks after planting.
b) Forage Crops and Pasture
Application: 250ml/ha with a minimum of 30L/ha of water or greater
1st Application – Spring
2nd Application – Autumn
C) Trees – Forestry, Fruit, Nuts
Greenhouse: Can be used as a seed pickle or sprayed over seedlings at a rate of 250mls/ha as required prior to planting.
First Application Soil amendment: 500ml/ha with a minimum of 50L/ha of water or greater, apply 0 to 6 weeks prior to planting.
Second Application: 250ml/ha with a minimum of 50L/ha of water or greater apply 4 to 8 months after planting.
Ongoing program after initial planting: 250mls twice per year 1 in Spring and 1 in Autumn. Can be applied once annually at 500mls in Spring or Autumn.
- TM Agricultural can be tank-mixed with most herbicides, insecticides, and foliar fertilisers.
- TM Agricultural can be injected into seed row.
- TM Agricultural can be used as a seed dressing.
- TM Agricultural has no withholding period for animals.
- Rainfall increases the benefits of TM Agricultural.
- TM Agricultural can be applied directly to the ground or the leaf foliage of trees and plants.
- There are no chemicals used in the manufacturing of TM Agricultural.
- TM Agricultural can be applied after cutting or grazing.
Disclaimer: Every care has been taken in compiling this information to ensure accuracy of the observations supplied by the farmer to Best Farming Systems and media outlets. These observations are independent of Best Farmin Systems Pty Ltd, no responsibility is accepted by Best for any errors or misdescription.