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Most of us as producers tend to look at what is growing above the ground, but what we do not see is the life that is teeming within the soil. Microbiology including bacteria and fungi are the pillars of this system and like oxygen and water are the key to healthy soils.
“There are over a billion micro-organisms per teaspoon of healthy soil”.
Poor soil health leads to many of today’s agricultural problems and expenses, scientific research, has shown that the harsh nature of chemical fertilisers can disturb the delicate balance of our micro-system. Many pastures, animals, and croplands all show symptoms of anaerobic compacted hard soils with low oxygen, poor water absorption, and low biological activity. This promotes disease, pests, and high input costs. These input costs associated with rescue chemistry (fungicides & pesticides), herbicide resistance, high fertiliser rates with low efficiency, nutrient lock-up, and leaching also add to the challenge.
To compensate for our poor soil health the tendency is to apply more and more chemical fertiliser, and this results in a perpetual cycle of steadily decreasing soil quality and steadily increasing chemical fertiliser amounts. This leads to higher input costs and decreased profitability.

Healthy-Soil: A Secret Away
Best Farming Systems’ focus is not on adding a few strains of bacteria or fungi to your soil but to stimulate, activate, and re-populate the dormant biology that is already present.
Activating microbial activity will enhance plant performance, increase your plant’s ability to withstand environmental stresses, defend itself against disease and pest pressure, increase the water holding capacity of your soil, aerates the soil, increase organic matter, increase carbon, reduce input costs, increase profitability, and improve your soil health.
Best products help to restore the interconnected relationship between the soil, microorganisms, and plants. The system results in healthy, aerated soil that is rich in nutrients and robust crops that are healthy and more resistant to disease and pests.
- Weak plants that are susceptible to disease and pests.
- Increased dependence on fungicides and pesticides.
- Compacted soil increases cost of fuel, and wear and tear on machinery.
- Compacted soil does not absorb or retain water.
- Soil is susceptible to erosion.
- Decreased crop yield and profitability.
- Increased use of chemical fertilisers.
- Rich in organic matter.
- Produces nutrient rich foods.
- Increased profitability.
- Robust crops that are less susceptible to disease and pests.
- Greater protection from harsh environmental conditions.
- Reduced need and costs for fungicides and pesticides.
- Greater water absorption and moisture retention.
- Soil that is less susceptible to erosion and runoff.
- Aerated oxygen filled soil that is not compacted.
Reduced fuel costs and wear and tear on machinery.