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TM Germination vs Pickle and Starter Fertiliser
In August 2019 Grant Baker compared TM Germination with pickle and starter fertiliser side by side in a Lillaroi wheat crop on his farm in the Currabubula area of NSW. The combined cost of the pickle on the seed and 40kg/ha of starter fertiliser was $41/ha and the cost of the TM Germination that was applied to the seed was $11.40/ha. When examining the differences between the two areas the following differences were found:
The root length and root density were much more developed in the TM Germination plants allowing better exploration and utilisation of moisture and nutrients. The roots also had more soil covering them (which gives a dreadlock appearance) and indicates a higher presence of soil microbes glues that are allowing the soil to adhere to the roots to solubilise soil the nutrients efficiently while also improving the development of the soil structure, soil aeration and drainage.
The soil colour was also a shade darker in the TM Germination treated area of the paddock. In general, the darker the soil colour, the greater the amount of organic matter and humus in the soil. Soil organic matter plays an important role in regulating most biological, chemical and physical processes in the soil as well as promoting infiltration, the movement and retention of water and reducing the potential for wind and water erosion. This was evident as the soil in the TM Germination side of the paddock was slightly more moister than the soil in the pickle and starter fertiliser treated area.
It was easy to find at least two earthworms per square meter in the TM Germination treated area of the paddock. Earthworm numbers are governed by the amount of food available as organic matter soil microbes, soil moisture, soil aeration and the type and amount of fertiliser and nitrogen used. Earthworm casts can contain 5 times as much plant available N, 3 to 7 times as much P and 11 times as much K. Earthworms also act as biological aerators and physical conditioners of the soil, improving soil porosity, aeration, soil structure, soil aggregate stability, water retention and infiltration and reducing surface runoff and erosion.
