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Finding the Best Solution for Waterlogged Crops
In a year when waterlogging has taken a toll on winter crops. A biological soil stimulant has helped cereal and pulse crops in the Wimmera avoid falling victim. Senior agronomist Jamie Ball, of Elders St Arnaud. Has worked with regional growers to biologically treat chickpeas, lentils, wheat, barley and oats with TM Agricultural. Organically certified, TM Ag uses plant extracts to stimulate indigenous soil microbes and is produced by Best Farming Systems. Mr Ball said the St Arnaud district had recorded 340mm to late September. With local crops affected by flooding and water logging. He said the local crops treated with TM Ag had come through the wet season well, were more robust and handled the conditions better.
“They are certainly retaining their colour, vigour and growth rate. Versus untreated crops which, if they recover, take some time to improve.’’ Mr Ball said. “This differential in growth usually translates directly into yield. “We haven’t lost any treated crop to waterlogging but untreated crops have been lost. “It’s early days but we are pretty impressed.’’ Mr Ball has collected paddock data on TM Ag in both dry and wet seasons. Across a range of soil types including alluvial, heavy clays and loams.

A trial was undertaken this year in a 8ha paddock in the township of St Arnaud. “The trial site had been previously managed as a volunteer pasture for some years and the soil had become compacted. With the paddock being infested with grass and broadleaf weeds.” Mr Ball said. He said the site was sown to a crop that would easily demonstrate any benefits of a biological treatment. On emergence, nutrition, vigour, soil borne and/or foliar disease infection levels. Gairdner barley was sown into the chemically fallowed paddock at a rate of 70kg/ha in May on a 17.5cm row spacing using a Napier combine. A pre-sowing spray of Boxer Gold was applied at 2.5 litres/ha.
The treated half of the paddock had two applications of TM Agricultural at 250mls/ha each. “The treated crop has handled the wet weather better, is noticeably more vigorous and healthier.’’ Mr Ball said. “Despite barley scald being prevalent throughout the district. The treated crop contracted the disease a month later than where it was untreated. “This is presumably owing to the improved health and vigour. “The treated crop has handled the waterlogging quite well, it may well have died.’’
Neil and Matt Rohde
Wimmera grain growers Neil and Matt Rohde have been using TM Ag for five years. Resulting in reduced disease pressure and higher grain quality. They have been impressed with the treated crops during a particularly wet year. Their treated barley has required no additional fertiliser in-crop and suffered from lower aphid pressure than untreated crops. The family has trialled the biological system on wheat, barley, vetch and peas on their Horsham property. Neil said the treated cereal crops were higher in protein and grain weight, with reduced screenings.
He said the TM Ag boosted the crop’s immune system with no fungicides needed. Farming systems agronomist Dr Maarten Stapper, of BioLogic AgFood, said. Increased soil biological activity was a way of controlling waterlogging in paddocks. Dust, compaction, water logging and lack of earthworm activity are all signs of poor soil structure. “Soil microbes make the crumb structure of the soil, creating stability so when it rains, the water infiltrates through the crumbs into the subsoil,’’Dr Stapper said. “Earthworm activity also improves drainage and root penetration.
’’Dr Stapper said biological farming promoted the quickest new growth after rain, recovery after flood and resilience to drought. “It is the activation of the biology which does the trick.’’ he said. “It is a step by step approach, don’t go overboard. In the first year put 20% of a paddock’s budget into biological stimulation. “Then gradually reduce inputs and effectively transfer across to a biological system. ’’Dr Stapper said biological farmers were able to use 50% less fertiliser and 80% less chemicals than under conventional systems.
Media Release By
Kim Woods | Director
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