2022 Wheat Harvest Post Flooding in North West NSW

TM Agricultural treated cereal crops have performed well despite the major flooding and excessive rain in an area of North West NSW.

An example of this is a paddock which has had TM Agricultural applied each year since 2014. In 2022 the paddock received aTM Agricultural and Best Fulvic Plus applied pre-plant with a knock down herbicide in January, TM Germination was applied to the seed at sowing. A second application of TM Agricultural and Best Fulvic Plus were applied in-crop with the selective herbicide. No fertiliser was applied to the crop before or during it’s growth stage, nor did it receive any fungicide applications.

From August to November the Hellfire wheat crop endured over 600mm of rain and when it was harvested on 27th November the protein, screenings, test weight and falling numbers were all good enough for the grain to be graded as APH2 and the yield was 3.5t/ha bringing a return per hectare of $1820 (based on $520/t price in a November contract) the cost of the Best products (TM Agricultural, Best Fulvic Plus and TM Germination) applied to the paddock, seed and crop were a total of $36/ha.

This is great result considering the tough season and that neighbouring crops were only able to achieve feed grade due to higher screenings, lower protein and low falling numbers. The improvement in soil structure, drainage, fertility and Organic Carbon from the consistent activation of native soil microbiology from TM Ag applications for the past seven years has facilitated robust, healthy and resilient soil and plants (wheat) that can endure a major rain and flooding event without too big a loss in grain quality and yield.
