TM Boosts Barley Performance

Mark & Linda Deguara operate a mixed farming enterprise at Mia Mia in the Pioneer River Valley west of Mackay in Qld. The enterprise produces sugar cane and beef cattle along with complimentary fodder crops.

Mark & Linda visited our site at Beef Australia 2024 in Rockhampton in May. They are part of a family interest in Gelbvieh cattle, but the display of Best Farming Systems products came to their attention while there. The question was asked if TM would help promote a 20ha fodder barley crop they intended to plant.

Cutting a long story short, they took 10l each of TM Agricultural & Best Fulvic Plus home with them.

It was applied to the crop as per Linda’s description:

Hi Brice, the paddock was sprayed with paraquat, Fulvic Plus @250ml/ha and TM Agricultural @250ml/ha prior to planting on the 11th of May. We planted Spartacus barley on the 14th of May. Follow up spraying of Fulvic Plus @250ml/ha and TM Agricultural @250ml/ha on the 11th of June. The second application was only 4 weeks after the first as we were to irrigate, and the paddock would have been too wet after.

Intentionally, they left an untreated control to help determine the effectiveness of the applications. A visit from their agronomist after crop emergence prompted a comment that the treated area then “looked stronger”

Linda forwarded pictures last week, clearly indicating a substantial difference in the treated crop after 8 weeks of growth. Root systems were stronger and additional growth was very evident. Control photos on the left and treated on the right.

Thanks to Mark & Linda for the follow up on the results.

October 2024 – Crop Update

The difference in our crop of barley comparing the treated area with the TM & Fulvic Plus compared to the control area. Linda advises “the control was in the centre of the block and had the best of the centre pivot irrigation and is good soil”

Untreated Control:
4 rows to fill header hopper
4 bales of barley straw

3 rows to fill header hopper – 33% Increase
6 bales of barley straw – 50% Increase



Brice Kaddatz
Best Farming Systems Consultant
Gympie QLD
Mob. O438 861198


